Like Printol 5, but lower volatility.
Suitable for offset blanket washing systems of older design and for manual routine cleaning, aromatic-free.
The traditional cleaning agent for the offset blanket with high ink dust and paper dust dissolving action.
The “traditional” blue cylinder washing agent, A-II product and moderately high volatility, also best suited for plate and offset blanket cleaning.
Bacteria mixes, Probiotica
Retarding agent for flexographic printing inks.
Retarding agent for flexographic printing inks:
Offset blanket washing agent for new generation machines; aromatic-free and A-III product.
Aggressive, moderately volatile ink solvent, recommended especially for dried-on inks.
Mould washing agent in book printing, also suitable as a highly volatile offset blanket washing agent and for ink duct cleaning.
Offset blanket treatment agent and regenerating agent, moderately high volatility.